
The cornet, nowadays known as pistom, is an instrument very similar to the trumpet in shape and technique. 

How does it work?

The cornet is very similar to the other instruments of wind metal family, being necessary the musician lips vibration in the mouthpiece of the instrument for produce its sound.

A bit of history...

The cornet was initially used mainly in military context for comand the troops. The early cornet did not have keys. 

Cornet without keys (19th century)

No início do século XIX, para facilitar a afinação, foram adicionadas à ela cinco chaves, passando a ser  chamada de corneta com chaves, corneta a pistom ou bugle. Posteriormente o número de chaves foi sendo aumentado, podendo chegar ao número de 12.

Corneta com chaves ou Bugle (séc. XIX)

During 19th century in Brazil, specially in Rio de Janeiro, cornets with or without keys were imported and sold in many musical instruments shops as we can note in newspaper that time. In 1928, for example, were sold "cornets with keys special to military groups very elegant built and in a good pitch" at Rua Direita. 

The cornet was gradually being abandoned during 20th century in Brazil and replaced by modern trumpet.

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