ARTICLE 2020-05-06 00:00:00 Catalog of works by Alberto Nepomuceno

Catalog of works by Alberto Nepomuceno

Alberto Nepomuceno (1864-1920), one of the most important and active figures in Brazilian music, left a set of works of different genres, among them sacred music, songs, symphonic music, chamber music, opera, pieces for solo instruments, for instrumental and vocal formations.


He is usually remembered as a forerunner of nationalist music in Brazil, author of the motto "There is no country, a people who do not sing in their language".


The general catalog of works by Alberto Nepomuceno was organized by Sérgio Nepomuceno Alvim Correa, researcher and grandson of the composer, and published by FUNARTE in 1996 (2nd edition). In the list of works available on this portal, the codes correspond to the numbering adopted in the printed catalog, in which the works were grouped by instrumentation. The prefix AN was added to all numeric codes, referring to the composer's initials. Works not included in the printed catalog have been added to the respective sections with the addition of suffixes a, b, etc.



Piano works by Nepomuceno


A pianist and married to a pianist, it was to the piano that Nepomuceno dedicated himself with greater dedication. His first works were composed for the instrument and throughout his life we can observe the maturation of his musical writing and some general characteristics of his style.

Nepomuceno was not constant in his piano production throughout his life, alternating periods of exclusive dedication to the piano with others in which this modality was almost completely abandoned, giving way to orchestral compositions, among others.

From the piano repertoire, 23 pieces for two-handed piano and some works for the left hand stand out. The latter began to be composed in 1906, especially for his daughter Sigrid, who was then 8 years old. Due to a birth problem, she didn't have the right hand.

To access the catalog of works by Alberto Nepomuceno:



CORREA, Sérgio Nepomuceno Alvim. Alberto Nepomuceno - Catálogo Geral. Ed. FUNARTE. 1996.

VERMES, Mônica. A produção para piano a duas mãos de Alberto Nepomuceno - características gerais e proposta de um novo catálogo. In: Revista Música, São Paulo. V. 7, n. 1/2; p.59-91, maio/nov 1996.


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